Things can only get better...

On the face of it, not the best way to spend a birthday: six hours to do a journey that should have taken three - with the extra hours nose-to-tail first on the A1 for no apparent reason and then later skirting round the blocked M62 after a serious accident.  And yet I had a good day: the extra time was useful thinking space, and I had a chance to think through my presentations for this weekend's Google Apps Summit in Halifax without the phone ringing every two minutes or without my day being hijacked by seemingly important emails.  This issue of prioritization and filtering is one of the things I'll be talking about tomorrow - if I get my presentations done in time, that is...  Quite ironic, given the topic of my first talk: skills and dispositions we all need if we are to survive and thrive in the online era.  I should heed my own advice, perhaps - although I know myself and know that I will always flirt with looming deadlines.  I saw some interesting stats recently about access to MOOCs: even when the material is there and freely available at any time, guess when most people access them?  That's right - at the last possible minute before the work needs to be handed in.  It seems that procrastination makes no distinction between analogue and digital environments!
